When it comes to burgers in Knoxville, lots of Knoxvillians seem to think you need to spend eighteen bucks and drown the thing in whiskey glaze to have your discerning palate appeased. Then the server sets your plate on fire tableside, and you get the check which sets you back from getting groceries for another week.
Forget all that nonsense. Your Knox food dude is here to tell you that one of the best burgers in Knoxville doesn’t come from a sit-down joint.
Burger Boys is located on Chapman Highway, just south of The Henley Street Bridge. You drive-through, check out the menu they hand you, then go grab a parking spot while your food is prepared. Everything at Burger Boys is cooked fresh, and the fries (which are outstanding) are free with your meal.

…one of the best burgers in Knoxville doesn’t come from a sit-down joint.
-Knox Food Dude
The burgers themselves, resemble more of a backyard offering; the hand-made patties are thick and generous while the toppings are fresh and feel like they came from a grocery store that same day. Flavor is the key, and these things are loaded with interesting textures, temperatures and mouthfeels. Burger Boys has six specialty burgers to choose from, including a Volburger that you can customize to your liking. Future visits to Burger Boys will include other menu items, as they offer wings and a variety of sides. With a name like Burger Boys though, how can you not try the burgers on your first go?!

Without a doubt, we’re starting off the Knox Food Dude site with a true banger here folks. Burger Boys is a hidden gem, and I know a number of you have driven by this establishment not knowing the greatness that lies within. I fell into that camp until just recently, I’m now a Burger Boys believer. Giving this place 5 out of 5 dudes on the dudescale is a no-brainer. The value this place brings for the quality of the food served cannot be understated. I’ll see you in the parking lot, just tell them the Knox Food Dude sent you.
Our Rating, up to five dudes on the Dudescale: